

Here is what you are supposed to do...and please don't spoil the fun...copy and paste into your own note, type in your answers and write on your personal blog.
Where is your cell phone - pocket
Your hair - short
Your father - tall
Your favorite thing - basetball
Your dream last night - nothing
Your favorite drink - WUSU beer
Your dream/goal - rich
The room you are in - Study
Your fear -time
Where do you want to be in 6 years - china
One of your wish list items - sport
Where you grew up – HOBOKSAR
The last thing you did - lunch
What are you wearing - T-shirt
Your TV - CCTV-5
Your pet - Dogs
Your computer - future
Your life - abundant
Your mood - calm
Missing someone - friend
Your car - hummer
Favorite store - The Store
Your favorite color - blue
When is the last time you laughed - morning
Last time you cried - eleventh
Three people who email me – father,friend,teacher.
Three of my favorite foods – rice, noodle, mutton
Three places I would rather be right now – Urumqi, Hoboksar, Zhengzhou

1 条评论:

  1. Hey, your favorite store can't possibly be The Store!

    It's in Perlis!!!

    oh yeahh.. I've never heard of Basetball????
